Wednesday 26 August 2015


The blog has moved to another address, and have a new name. Visit it : Hello, it's August.


Blogas persikėlė ir turi naują pavadinima. Aplankykite jį: Hello, it's August.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Few days away.

Hey folks, 
I wanted to keep you updated about whats going on in my blog. I told you before that there will be some changes. So now the changes are only few steps away from seeing a daylight. It might take me few more days, and let me tell you what I am going to do on the few days.
To make it less complicated (because when I talk geek nobody seems to understand) I will compare this process to moving to the new apartment.
So my blog use to live in a rental apartment (blogger by google) and now my blog bought a new apartment (not gonna spoil the location yet). So past month or so my blog was doing renovations in the new apartment, and now it is moving in.
It will take that few more days to get settled in, get all the things in the right places before we can have a house warming party. So be patient, because I believe it is going to be worth it.
I will keep you updated :)

Saturday 1 August 2015

Coming soon

Hey folks!
While the summer is the time for vacation and going to the beach, I had a different idea (although I went to the beach also). Because I am mostly staying at the city, and I am not use to it, I had few plans for my summer. One of them is blog renewal.
I have been working day and night (mostly day) to get things done, and I planned to get it going until the very first days of August, but I met some technical issues, and for me it takes time to solve them, and after resting for a week at the seaside, I also decided to make some more changes, so it might took few more weeks to get things started. 
But don't worry, I have all my looks in my archive, and not only looks, so you will see them as soon as I release my renewal. 
I can give you few hints about my idea - the blog will be not only redesigned, there will be more than few changes. And it is very much August related, so I will definitely make it until middle of August. 
So please be patient and I will keep you updated, and let's hope there will be no more technical issues :)

Friday 5 June 2015

OOTD : Festival mood

Lately I had a pretty rough time - as usual I am jammed with works, but also my dear cat decided to jump out through the window and broke it's leg. I spend almost a week visiting a vet, twice a day. Gladly, my kitty has a plaster now but seems to be otherwise okay, thank God.
And this summer I decided to stay in the city, so it is my first summer in the city, and I am making a transition between nature and city, so this explains my newest look. My look was inspired by all the summer festival mood and this awesome bag by DobShop, and even though I have mentioned this before, you have to check these bags ASAP, because it is not only beautiful but also custom made. And did I mentioned that Dovilė Bielousovaitė, the creator of these bags, is an awesome gal and I am honoured to work with people like her :) 
Also this dress, even if it is a bit shorter than I am use to, is something I found in a second hand store and was very fond of, because it somehow reminded me of nineties.


Friday 15 May 2015

OOTD : The beach is better

Last week I opened my wandering season, so I went almost straight from a country side to the beach (with a short stop at home to take some clothes). But as probably we all know, Lithuanian sea side is not that warm, even during the summer. So all my hopes for funny dresses and sunbathing were crushed, so I am sharing these pictures from the beach - windy and cloudy. Bare with me and have a beautiful weekend :)

Thursday 30 April 2015

DobShop project

Hey folks!
One of my projects finally came to life (or at least went to digital space) - it is photoshoot for DobShop by Dovilė Bielousovaitė. I suggest you go straight to her page and order a bag, because, well, took at this beauty! Everything handmade from genuine leather, very long lasting, very beautiful, and most important - you will probably never see a person with the same bag! :)


Wednesday 29 April 2015

Evening with Deichmann

This last week (or even more) I tried to juggle work, friends, social life, and family time. So this is why I was absent in my blog. But I finally found some time to catch up, so here it is.
One beautiful evening I spent at Deichmann event, which was on the topic of creativity, so our fellow bloggers shared some experiences and advices, so did some folks from Deichmann. We also got a styling task, which was a bit of my zone, since I usually get some time before I make a styling decisions.
But considering all, it was probably the most eventful event for bloggers I have been for some time.
And I got this white bag as a gift (pretttyyy amazing, huh?)


Praėjusią savaitę (gal ir šiek tiek ilgiau) aš stengiausi suderinti asmeninį gyvenimą, darbą, draugus ir socialinį gyvenimą, todėl akivaizdu, kad mano laikas, praleidžiamas prie blogo šiek tiek nukentėjo. Tačiau dabar radau šiek tiek laiko, todėl ketinu pasidalinti tuo, ką veikiau.
Vieną gražų vakarą praleidau Deichmann renginyje, kuris buvo skirtas blogeriams. Vakaro tema buvo įkvėpimas, todėl mūsų Lietuvos blogeriai pasidalino patarimais ir patirtimis, taip pat įdomiomis istorijomis pasidalino ir Deichmann komanda. Teko sudalyvauti ir stilistinėje užduotyje, tačiau pasijutau šiek tiek už savo komforto zonos ribų, kadangi dažniausiai stilistinių sprendimų per penkias minutes nepriimu.
Bet viską apsvarsčius galiu drasiai teigti, kad šis renginys buvo vienas įdomesnių iš tų, kuriuose lankiausi pastaruoju metu.
Ir bonus - gavau šią nuostabią baltą rankinę! :)


Friday 17 April 2015

DIY : Pirate chest makeover

Lately I got really inspired to do some crafts, and most of them usually turns out looking like crafts projects. And I am looking for that polished "wow, where have you bought this?" look. Even my food is very delicious, but usually looks like drunk person made it. So bare with me, but I am sharing this box makeover. And sorry for those missing links in the projects, but inspiration doesn't wait. If the early bird gets the worm, then I probably am an owl, and I feed on mouses (that is what owls eat, yes?), because the most creative time for me is night (and lamp light is not flattering for pictures at all).

I got this box in my grandpas attic, and I was in that age, when making a pirate treasure chest seemed a good idea. It has been sitting in the corner for some time now, and I always thought I should do something with it, because it is a perfectly fine treasure chest. 

So first idea was to make it look more natural, as I thought nice wood gonna show off and I will make it look very stylish. 

Oh, was I wrong. After removing the pirate chest paint, then trying to remove the green pain, that was underneath, I understood that the wood is green and there is nothing I can do about it. 

I scratched my head few times and after using almost all sanding paper, nail polish remover, cotton, diluent and my patience, I got an idea - why not cover it in leather? I had this golden leather laying and waiting for me to use it. Also, what is better to match with golden than black? (Uh huh, you know what it is, black and yellow) so I covered the bottom part in black leather. And since I went there, I decided white fur is a great option for an inside. And yes, I glued everything.

And since it turned out to be so cute (am I wrong? ) I decided to use it as a jewellery box of some kind. So behold!


Thursday 9 April 2015

My late Easter

Better late than never, yes? I was scrolling trough my pictures and almost punched myself when I saw I haven't posted any Easter pictures. I also haven't wished everyone to have a great Easter, but that's post factum now. So my Easter was fine i guess. Time with my fam and stuff. Not a big fan of eggs myself. But I decided to make some breakfast for my boyfriend, and also decorated some eggs. I wanted to do that thing my mom does with bees wax, but it turned out to be a total disaster, so I went straight to the things I can work with - markers. I also wanted black eggs, but guess what? It failed me and turned out to be dark plum. Just a quick view of that here :)


Geriau vėliau nei niekada, tiesa? Aš žvelgiau per savo nuotraukas ir vos sau neįspyriau, kai pamačiau, kad nepaskelbiau savo Velykinių nuotraukų. Aš taip pat visiems nepalinkėjau gražių Velykų, bet tai jau post factum. Taigi mano Velykos buvo įprastos - laikas su šeima ir panašiai. Nesu didžiulė kiaušinių mėgėja. Bet nusprendžiau savo draugui pagaminti skanius pusryčius, ir taip pat dekoravau kiaušinius. Norėjau nudekoruoti vašku, kaip mano mama sugeba, bet kiaušiniai gavosi tiesiog baisūs, todėl grįžau prie to, ką moku - darbuotis flomasteriais. Taip pat norėjau juodų kiaušinių, bet dažai mane nuvylė ir gavosi tamsių slyvų spalvos kiaušiniai. Štai keletas nuotraukų :)


Wednesday 8 April 2015

OOTD: Blue stripes

Right now I am honestly jealous of all the people in all the warm places. Either it is springing Paris or sunny and warm Miami, I rather be there. Because it is almost mid spring, and it still feels like winter sometimes. It's also lots of good thing about spring - I get really excited to work of things. I usually get distracted by all the things that need to be done rather then focusing on what I want to do, and let's hope it's not gonna be the case. Or I need to change my routine and move my lazy ass much more.
But skip my complains and see my look where I went a bit blueish - something I don't do often.

Ph. by Ovidijus Maslovas


shirt - thrifted
jeans - Pull&Bear
heels - Zara


Šiuo metu tikrai pavydžiu visiems žmonėms, gyvenantiems ar esantiems ten, kur šilta. Ar tai žaliuojantis Paryžius ar saulėtasis Majamis, tai yra vieta, kur aš mieliau būčiau. Juk dabar jau beveik pavasario vidurys, o aš kartais dar pasijaučiu lyg būtų žiema. B
Bet pavasaris turi ir gerų dalykų - aš labai užsivedu kurti. Dažniausiai aš užsiverčiu įvairiais buitiniais reikalais, taip pat ne savo reikalais, ir pamirštu tai, ką aš iš tiesų noriu daryti. Taigi tikiuosi niekas mano įkvėpimo šį pavasarį nesužlugdys. Arba man tiesiog reikia pergalvoti savo rutiną ir daugiau dirbti.
Tačiau užteks čia mano sapalionių - geriau pažiūrėkite look'o nuotraukas, kur aš vieną iš tų retų kartų įvedžiau šiek tiek spalvos.
